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Contact by phone


Attention: We can´t be reached by phone between 12:00 and 13:30 clock.

Headquarter   03774 17516 -0
Special solutions for tractors,
two wheel tractors, tracked
dumpers, power generators,
Steffen Fritzsch 03774 17516 -19
Sale Thomas Fritzsch 03774 17516 -21
Accountancy Kerstin Leonhardt 03774 17516 -14
Ebay Sales, Shipping,
Forwarding agency, Internet sales
Annett Ficker
(till 14:30 clock)
Beate Reimann

03774 17516 -15

03774 17516 -12
Assemblers for tractors
and motors

Andre Sommer
Jochen Senf

03774 17516 -27
03774 17516 -25

Storage, shipping

Jens Ficker

03774 17516 -24





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Dozer blade, snow plow, hydraulic pusher blade PS120H for tractors

Dozer blade, snow plow, hydraulic pusher blade PS120H for tractors
Our previous price 850,00 EUR
Now only 750,00 EUR
you save 12 % / 100,00 EUR

19 % VAT incl. * Shipping information

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